Welcome Dobylady!
I've heard it said that "Third time is the charm" and I hope that's true for you as well. I only have one suggestion, and that is while your focus on the time is great it may mean you are concentrating on the time more than the content. By that I mean there may be important details in the question you are missing because you are trying so hard to pace yourself to finish with a little time to spare. While the multiple choice questions give us answers, some of the answers might have one small thing that sets them apart and requires a reference made only in the guidelines, or one answer identifies what needed to be coded first, and there was an answer that fit if you didn't observe the code first requirement. The whole point in coding is to make sure we have been thorough and detailed so that the code(s) chosen tells the story of visit accurately. I hope I've helped, it is complicated and I'm sure overwhelming sometimes, but so worth the time you spend learning and reviewing. Have confidence in you - I do!
Happy Coding!